

2021-22 Baseball Offseason

Posted by Parkland High School Baseball on Sep 07 2021 at 11:56AM PDT in 2022 Varsity

Starting September 15 and running until October 29th the coaches will be at the Varsity Baseball Field from 5:30-7:30PM. We will organize workouts to reinforce proper fundamentals for those who can attend. This is a voluntary program open to anyone in grades 9-12 who intends to try out for the team in March. Last minute cancellations will be tweeted out through the Parkland Baseball Twitter account (@trojansandlot) and posted on this page.

Chad Waelchli will again oversee our offseason lifting and conditioning program. This is a voluntary program for any Parkland students in grades 9-12 interested in playing baseball. We will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at the weight room in the high school. The program starts October 5 and runs until January 6. The sessions are from 7:00-9:00PM. Chad’s services are paid for by the Booster Club. Last minute cancellations will be tweeted out through the Parkland Baseball Twitter account (@trojansandlot) and posted on this page.

If you intend on trying out in the spring please fill out the following SignUp Form so we have current contact information. I also suggest you look for future announcements in school, follow our twitter account @TrojanSandlot, and register on this website so you are notified when new announcements are posted.